This website does:

Use Cookies

Cookies are small text files that stay in the memory of your computer or mobile to help the website load quickly and work properly. Almost all websites use cookies, and uses relatively few. There is information about how to turn cookies off in the ‘more information’ section.

Use Google Analytics

Analytics tools provide anonymous information about how users navigate to, and through, this website. This helps to inform revisions of the site and to understand who’s visiting, why, and where they came from. Individual people can’t be identified from these tools.

Collect personal information through the Contact Me form (with your consent)

This information will never be shared or sold, and it will be stored in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

This website doesn't:

Store personal information without your consent. Higher Capacity Ltd will never sell or share personal information.

For more information:

The website has more information about cookies in general.

There’s information about how to turn cookies off on this page of

Please note that those links take you to external websites with their own privacy policies.