
services icon project management gold

Project Management

Write a plan, follow the plan, be prepared to change the plan

services icon business writing gold

Business Writing

Have you got a business opportunity that needs thorough research and analysis? Do you need to communicate a compelling case to your colleagues, board or stakeholders? Are you struggling to find the time to do it properly?

services icon governance gold


In previous employment, and through Higher Capacity, I've considerable experience of governance in charitable organisations. I've worked with legal professionals, trustees and company directors to support the development and documentation of good governance structures and policies. I've reviewed or written articles of association, conflict of interest policies, schemes of delegation and strategies to support the delivery of charitable objectives and public benefit.

services icon information management gold

Information Management

Are your information systems working for you? Or is data something you dread? You should have easy access to accurate information to drive good decision-making, help you celebrate success and to manage risk. If your organisation doesn't have that, I can help.

services icon risk management gold

Risk Management

Is your risk register is a dry, distant, paper exercise that you dust off every quarter for the board?


project management

business writing


Information Management

risk management


Higher Capacity Ltd is a company, registered in England & Wales, with the company number 10879472.

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